Welcome to Creative Learning Key Child Care

We are a Fever Free Zone and open to families in need of Child Care. Due to COVID-19 State Regulations we are taking every possible precaution to ensure that we keep children and our families safe by limiting visitors to our facility, 24 hour sanitation practices, and daily temperature checks for children and parents. If you or someone you know has been affected by the new child care provisions put in place in the State of CA feel free to contact us regarding approved licensed care and immediate availability. Reduced Childcare Cost for Essential Workers.
Spots now Available! Call for all the details.
Eastvale Family Childcare Openings!
We are open for child care near by!
Call us for details. (909) 494-2273
Zero months to 13 years old.
CA License 


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MONTESSORI, Reggio Emilia, and Traditional Learning

<====  TOUR

Creative Learning Key Child Care believes in creating a learning environment for children that respects them as competent children that are full of potential. We encourage a more hands on approach to learning that fosters critical thinking, creativity, empowerment, and the enhancement of self-esteem. We believe this type of learning allows children to learn by being curious, creative, and becoming critical thinkers which will become very important to them in life long skills. Our approach to learning is a combination of what is traditional learning for children, Montessori approach, and the Reggio Emilia approach. Children have a lot of say in what they are learning and how they want to learn. Our job is to guide children in the right way as we learn from them and add to the suggested learning environment.

Children enrolled at Creative Learning Key will have the dynamic opportunity of ascertaining exposure to various activities of the Arts. 

A New Approach To
Learning & Creativity


The environment is manipulated based on the level of growth and ages of the child. Coaching the child transpires when a challenge arises and the child requests help.

10 Day Challenge

Children are monitored on their ability to complete each new task to enable a smooth transition into the next stage of development.


1:1 Instruction

The opportunity is broadened for children to receive even more one on one instruction as children are very well occupied in the activity of their election.

Most Popular

Children are allowed to have a say so in how they want to learn.

Children love to feel a sense of accomplishment! It is very necessary to allow time for the enhancement of their self esteem by ensuring their independence.

Most Popular

Learning to Sort, primary colors and the color Green.

Everyone works at their own individual pace. 

Our Outdoor Playground

Gross Motor Skills

Learning & Playtime

Creative Arts

Learning about instruments, music, singing, dance and movement are an important part of our daily routine.

Welcome to

Creative Learning Key

Reading is Fun

Our goal

We promote reading readiness

Encouraging and instilling the importance of learning and loving to read through promoting daily happy, fun, and exciting materials that kids will love. We teach the children phonetics, letter recognition, and an expectation to read by ensuring them a story time 3 times a day.

Montessori approach to learning

Traditional learning environment

Reggio Emilia student-centered and self-guided curriculum that uses self-directed, experimental learning


Summer 2022



Schedules for you

A variety of weekly schedules are offered to meet the needs of our parents here at Creative Learning Key Family Day Care!

“Creative Learning Key…providing the keys to creativity!”

Daycare activities where the child 0 to 12Months is learning:

*Eye hand coordination
*Fine motor skills
*Gross motor skills
*Social development with other children
*Practical life skills

Daycare activities where the child 1 to 5 years is learning:

PreK Preparedness Skills
*Reading readiness and phonetics
*Math in measurements
*Color recognition
*Letter & number recognition
*Directional manipulation skills-turning vs. snapping on and how to tie
*Enhancement of self-esteem ( I did it!)
*Social development with other children

We invite you to come and Tour an outstanding child care option at Creative Learning Key Family Child Care of Eastvale.

We offer a program and philosophy that ensures your child’s most precious and impressionable years are indeed protected. High-quality care during the infant and toddler years is particularly important because it’s when the most rapid period of learning and brain development takes place.

Early as 4AM! Reach out to us today at (909) 494-CARE (2273) to hold your spot 🙂

Over 20 years experience

1/2 day Program for toddlers 9am to 1pm

What we do



0 Months Pre-School to 12 Years

Open Registration Contact us today!

Enrich your child's life today

welcome to mindfullness

creative learning key family child care

Our vision

CLK strives to cultivate creativity in children through their freedom of expression and individuality, mindfulness, and respect in a combined Montessori and Contemporary learning environment.